Thank you for making the decision to share your testimony! Please see the following submission requirements:
Story title
Biblical scripture reference
Word count of 700-800 words
Closing prayer
Author biography (1-2 lines)
To submit a testimony please click on the link below to the corresponding SPEAK LIFE version. You will be able to cut and paste your submission information. Submissions may be published anonymously.
Releasing the Power of Testimony
Are you willing to share the testimony of Jesus in your life? Do you have a story you know will bring encouragement, freedom, healing and hope to someone else?
Stories of Life after
Unplanned Pregnancies*
Do you have an encouraging, life-giving story involving an unplanned pregnancy? Submissions not limited to mothers, birthmothers, post-abortion mothers & fathers, adoptees, adoptive parents and grandparents.
*SPEAK LIFE titles subject to change.

Kimberly Craig is the daughter of the King, graduate of Elon University and married to her college sweetheart, Shawn, for nearly 20 years. Together they have five children ages 17, 15, 12, 10 & 8.
Kimberly is passionate about the power of testimony and believes we all have a story to tell.
Through her book series, SPEAK LIFE, she is giving
Christians a platform to
share their God stories and bring life-giving revelation to others.
Kimberly & Shawn reside in Cumming, Georgia and work together helping families find their dream homes with Anchor Real Estate Advisors.
Kimberly also serves as the Kingdom Ready Ministries' coordinator for Dr. Todd Smith, Sr. Pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, GA.